Innovation and usability
The large number of patents and the new products testify the innovative value.
Tecnoma products are designed to improve the efficiency and the usability without becoming restrictive.
Innovations are recognized and acclaimed by consumers : its innovating products won different awards like the home trophy award received two years running.
Reliability and safety
These characteristics are essential for technical products. The sprayers are tested in extreme conditions to ensure quality and safety.
Tecnoma products are designed and made in France to benefit from industry expertise synonymous with high quality .
Tecnoma sprayers with a capacity superior to 2 Liters (pressure sprayers and knapsack sprayers) are guaranteed 3 years and the pumps are guaranteed 2 years.
Finally Tecnoma provides an impeccable after sales service to ensure a long life to your device.

Tecnoma trophée de la maison

Approved by experts

Made in France

3 Years Guarantee